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● Do not spam or troll. Flash News!
● July OTM winners have been announced!
● Have an open thread or want to join one? Check out the open threads tab. ● Questions? Just ask! |
Two magical factions crash landed on Earth thirty years ago, bringing with them amazing powers and war. The nature based Elementals and the mind based ESP have set up their respective camps in the forest and the city. On the surface, a shaky peace reigns. Non-magical folk struggle to adjust to the new comers, and many maintain a strong distrust of all magic and the violence it brought. Others, however, have chosen sides, and Old and New Magic alike comb the streets seeking to recruit allies as an underground guerilla warfare rages. Another war is coming and now it needs to be known: Which side are you on?
Currently, we have a ban on male ESP's. Please take a look at the stats to see what needs to be balanced! Help us Guest, you're our only hope! For the few next days, the money you earn from posting has doubled! (Wooo!) Also, the member (not staff) who shows the most activity can talk with Parrot and we can plan something special for you. It could be a quest, a PvP thing, a special character, or the keys to a brand new car! (That was a joke) And if that doesn't interest you then we can discuss something else. My mind is always open ;) Stats
For Our GuestsFor Our Members
Character Plotting
Open Threads
Side Characters
OTM Voting
Fun Stuff
Character Submission
Approved Characters
SettingSummer is here and with it comes the heat. The high is normally in the mid 90's- a blessing for some, a struggle for others. Those living in the city and town rely on air conditioning while the Elementals make due with the wind alone. Cicadas are starting to move out of the forest and into the town and they can be heard (quite loudly) every day. Male OTM
Lynx If his charming half smile doesn't knock you off your feet than his witty one liners will. (That or he's going to trip you via Telekinesis.) Lynx is this month's winner for male OTM! A character who started off as an ass has actually turned out to be only kind of an ass. Lynx finds his pleasure in fast cars and even faster women, though this hasn't stopped him from protecting those he has reluctantly found himself caring for. Poor Lynx has spent more time being dragged through other people's mess that he hasn't had time to finish his car. Well, from all of us at WFM, we hope you get that time soon Lynx! Snarky Lynx is played by Devi.
Female OTM
Tabitha Holt Got hots for teacher? Well, who wouldn't when the teacher is Tabitha! This water Elemental has spent half of her time dragging Lynx around, recruiting him as an unlikely ally. Over the month Tabitha has seen her share of some grisly stuff- from drowning men (and women) to having her capture's head blown right off in front of her. She's no warrior but for some reason this little lady has been stuck fighting battles and running after kids instead of grading papers. Now with the FBI after her and the War Committee doubting her every move, we're pretty sure Tabitha's not going to get a break any time soon. Stubborn Tabitha is played by Parrot.
Thread OTM
Fanatically Fanatic If anyone says that WFM isn't action packed well they are wrong. Dead wrong. This thread is proof of that! We've got fanatics pulling people left and right off of the street, taking them hostage as they preach peace through violence. (Yeah, it works out as well as you think it would.) And soon four of our very own characters, who would normally never work together, have to overcome the fanatics and fight for their lives. Overcome they do, as Enzo blasts a guy's head off, Tabitha drowns a woman, Lynx throws chairs at people, and Asher shows off his acrobatic skills. In the end they make a getaway, but were they fast enough to avoid unwanted attention? Guess we'll find out when the site plot starts! Votes picked this thread for OTM due to its action and the fact that multiple players were involved. Thanks to all who contributed!
Member OTM
Dufflepud Congratulations to Duffle, our winner of member OTM! Duffle has been a great addition to WFM family as he brought with him the most awesome PvP factor to our site. Duffle has been great with his constructive ideas for the site and overall involvement. He is known to commoners as the Great and Powerful Arena Master but, humbly, prefers Duffle. He manages not only to run his own site, is active here, but he also goes on some pretty rockin' vacations. (Yes, we are very jealous. Thanks.) Duffle is always willing to give a helping hand to our guests and members, so, for that, we thank you. :)
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